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Salary boosts for new maths, science and computing teachers

Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 12:57

Salary boosts for new maths, physics, chemistry and computing teachers

From: Department for Education and The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP

Teachers in the early years of their careers will be able to get a salary boost of up to £3,000 tax-free to teach maths, physics, chemistry and computing.

This will support recruitment and retention of specialist teachers in these subjects and in the schools and areas that need them most.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the package. It will be available to eligible teachers in the first five years of their careers, and is backed by a commitment of £60 million in funding.

International evidence indicates premiums that deliver a 10 per cent increase in pay could reduce leavers from among early career teachers in shortage subjects by 30 per cent.

Further details will be announced in due course.

The Education Secretary also confirmed he would be working across the education sector, including with Ofsted, schools and colleges, local authorities, teachers, parents and students on maximising attendance.


Cover photo By michaeljung on Canva

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