World's top 10 coffee related baby names can reveal that the most popular coffee-themed baby name for boys is Santos, being ranked the 437th most popular baby name in the world, with 1,612,887 people having this name. The name Santos has Spanish origins with it meaning ‘Saint’ or ‘Holy’ and is also the name of an Arabica coffee bean.
Joe is a popular name but also a very common phrase referring to coffee. It ranks second and is the 561st most popular boy’s name in the world, with 1,378,929 people having this name. This name is most prevalent in the United States.
Following are Guillermo (ranking 597th for worldwide popularity), Maxwell (ranking 3,832nd for worldwide popularity) and Duncan (ranking 5,945th for worldwide popularity), respectively coming third, fourth and fifth.
Coffee related baby boy names
Rank | Name |
Approximate number of people with this name |
World Popularity ranking |
1. | Santos | 1,612,887 | 437 |
2. | Joe | 1,378,929 | 561 |
3. | Guillermo | 1,308,971 | 597 |
4. | Maxwell | 274,178 | 3,832 |
5. | Duncan | 176,765 | 5,945 |
6. | Chai | 136,836 | 7,627 |
7. | Buck | 17,890 | 41,00 |
8. | Pike | 3,095 | 129,607 |
9. | Horton | 1,405 | 208,516 |
10. | Barrister | 1,327 | 215,675 | can reveal that the most popular coffee-themed baby name for girls is Hazel. It ranks 2,993rd in the world for the most popular baby names with 348,105 people having this name. The coffee link is derived from the popular coffee flavouring, hazelnut.
The second most popular coffee baby name for girls is Cherry (187,416 people have this name). Cherry, is the berry of the coffee plant that contains the coffee bean and is ranked as the 5,596th most popular name in the world being most prevalent in the Philippines.
Following are Valencia (ranking 29,181st for worldwide popularity), Lottie (ranking 31,628th for worldwide popularity) and Melitta (ranking 38,227th for worldwide popularity), respectively ranking third, fourth and fifth.
Coffee related baby girl names
Rank | Name | Approximate number of people with this name | World Popularity Ranking |
1. | Hazel | 348,105 | 2,993 |
2. | Cherry | 187,416 | 5,596 |
3. | Valencia | 28,291 | 29,181 |
4. | Lottie | 25,387 | 31,628 |
5. | Melitta | 19,709 | 38,227 |
6. | Arista | 7,115 | 76,780 |
7. | Vienna | 4,084 | 108,935 |
8. | Clover | 4,017 | 110,145 |
9. | Capucine | 2,560 | 145,583 |
10. | Arusha | 1,981 | 169,988 |
Unisex Baby names
In first place, with a nod to a famous coffee chain, is Star. This unisex name is the 15,005th most popular name in the world, with 64,061 people having this name.
Following behind in second, is Costa, with another nod to a famous coffee chain, ranking 17,384th globally, with 53,780 people having this name.
Following are Java (ranking 25,491st for worldwide popularity), Kona (ranking 25,761st for worldwide popularity) and Bailey (ranking 45,723rd for worldwide popularity), respectively ranking third, fourth and fifth.
Coffee related unisex baby names
Rank | Name | Approximate number of people with this name | World Popularity Ranking |
1. | Star | 64,061 | 15,005 |
2. | Costa | 53,780 | 17,384 |
3. | Java | 33,625 | 25,491 |
4. | Kona | 33,199 | 25,761 |
5. | Bailey | 15,319 | 45,723 |
6. | Sheridan | 11,222 | 56,704 |
7. | Bean | 7,495 | 74,233 |
8. | Coffee | 2,044 | 166,841 |
9. | Mocha | 1,035 | 249,291 |
10. | Kaldi | 656 | 324,189 |
Still looking for more baby name inspiration?
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