picture of mumma buzz coffee

Mumma Buzz Gives Pregnant Women Back their Coveted Coffee Ritual

Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Monday, February 28, 2022 - 21:19

As a specialty coffee made by pregnant women, for pregnant women and those wishing to become pregnant, Mumma Buzz Coffee is on a mission to give women who are trying to conceive, are pregnant or breastfeeding a chance to take back their pre-motherhood journey coffee ritual with a blend that is made specifically for their unique needs. 

picture of mumma buzz decaf coffee (Picture of mumma buzz decaf coffee)

Mumma Buzz was conceived by Alex Charles: a huge coffee lover who also happened to be pregnant at the time that the Mumma Buzz idea came to mind. Like many expecting mums who are also huge coffee lovers, she researched the effect of caffeine on the body while trying to conceive, and subsequently on a baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After becoming pregnant with her second child, she found herself struggling even more the second time round with the limitations of the one cup of coffee per day that is recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

"As pregnant women, not only do we miss out on what, for many of us, is a longstanding caffeine ritual that starts the day and keeps us going throughout, but there is also a huge amount of guilt associated with caffeine intake while pregnant and breastfeeding. Chasing after my one year old son while pregnant with my second child only compounded my longing for a second (or third, or fourth...) cup of coffee to keep me going throughout the day. And on the off chance that I reach for the on switch of my coffee machine for a second time during the day, exhausted and desperate for not only the small caffeine hit, but also the relaxing ritual of sitting down with a hot cup of coffee that I missed from pre-pregnancy days, the overwhelming sense of guilt that I felt was enough to make me tip my freshly brewed cup down the sink."

picture of mumma buzz full caf coffee (Picture of mumma buzz full caf coffee)

What Alex realised was that drinking coffee during these important life moments is influenced as much by internal emotion and guilt as it is by actual scientific data. This realisation led Alex to create a coffee blend that would eliminate the guilt and worry women may feel while consuming coffee, by sourcing and roasting specialty coffee made specifically for the unique needs of mums. She further enhanced the Mumma Buzz coffee offering by using a proprietary roasting process that removes all nasty acids typically found in coffee and actually stimulates the creation of a process in the stomach that helps inhibits stomach acids that so commonly affect both pregnant and breastfeeding women and their babies.

"During the journey to motherhood, there is a seemingly endless list of things that we are to avoid doing, eating and drinking. I want to give back the opportunity to enjoy daily cup(s) of joe to women who are trying to conceive, pregnant and breastfeeding by offering a range of coffee designed specifically for them: a range that is fair trade, with all bad acids removed for those that are breastfeeding (as acidic foods are known to wreak havoc on some breastfeeding babies), is gentle on pregnant stomachs that are already in a sensitive state, and comes in a range of full strength, half strength or decaf options so that we as pregnant women can decide which cup of coffee is right for us, free of guilt or worry."

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picture of mumma buzz half caf coffee (picture of mumma buzz half caf coffee)


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