picture of people running in the woods

Race around the world with ZSL

Sophie Brown
Authored by Sophie Brown
Posted: Friday, April 8, 2022 - 17:40

Charity behind London and Whipsnade Zoos launches ‘global’ fundraising challenge  

1 June 2022 – 30 June 2022 

The international conservation charity behind London and Whipsnade Zoos, ZSL, is calling on animal lovers to get moving and walk, run, wheel or cycle ‘Around the World in 30 Days’ to raise vital money to save endangered wildlife across the world.  

Throughout the month of June, nature enthusiasts are being asked to collectively travel  40,075km - equal to the circumference of the globe to help fundraise in support  ZSL’s conservation work around the world.   

picture of people walking outside Kicking off on 1 June, Around the World in 30 Days’ participants can set the distance they’d like to cover across the 30 days. Fundraise as much money as possible, then take on their challenge of choice whether it be running, walking, wheeling or cycling, whenever and wherever they’d like to, turning their daily exercise into fundraising. 

Fundraisers will add their efforts to a combined tracker, and every week they’ll unlock a new heart-warming story, showing how ZSL’s conservation makes a difference in some of the world's most important habitats. 

ZSL’s Fundraising and Engagement Director James Wren said, “From elephants in Africa to hazel dormice in Britain, species in every country are in danger of going extinct, but we can change this if we act now – and we’re asking the public to help us travel around the world to do so!” 

The Critically Endangered African elephant continues to face serious threats, causing their numbers to fall rapidly in many parts of Africa. Conflict with people, heavy targeting by poachers and loss and fragmentation of habitat are significant issues for the survival of this species. ZSL is working hard to address these threats by training park management teams and eco-guards, providing technical support to implement ‘PoacherCams’ and helping to improve law enforcement against poaching. 

James Wren continues, “ZSL is helping vulnerable wildlife recover all over the globe and by taking part in this challenge, you will help us to continue this worldwide conservation work. I will be running and cycling throughout the month aiming to cover as many kilometres as I can. If you’re looking for ideas to make your challenge a little wilder, why not take inspiration from the animal kingdom?” 

ZSL have come up with a list of animal inspired athletics to try, including hedgehogs who roam an average distance of 2km on a single night, meaning they reach an impressive 60km in total during June. While tigers prowl over 10km a night to find food, totalling 300km a month.  

ZSL urgently needs your support, visit zsl.org/AroundtheWorld to find out more and sign up now.

picture of people running in the woods

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