picture of a family at imperial war museum


Max Bentley
Authored by Max Bentley
Posted: Saturday, May 7, 2022 - 21:10


This May half term, Imperial War Museums (IWM) invites visitors to enjoy a range of free family  activities across IWM London, IWM North, IWM Duxford and HMS Belfast. Visitors can discover  the importance of chocolate during the Second World War, speak to eyewitnesses to conflict, and  travel back in time to 1944.  

IWM North and IWM London | Story Seekers | Every weekend until 27 May  


Families can get hands on with real artefacts and learn about the global impact of conflict, from the  First World War to today. Dig deeper into the museum’s collections and uncover the moving stories  they tell, from people who braved shark-infested waters to ingenious nurses.  

IWM London | Story Seekers: Chocolate Edition | Daily, 28 May – 5 June  

IWM North | Story Seekers: Chocolate Edition | Daily, 28 May – 12 June  

IWM Duxford | Story Seekers: Chocolate Edition | Daily, 28 May – 5 June  

Free (included in price of admission to IWM Duxford) 

This half term, families are invited to explore IWM with our special hands-on chocolate themed  Story Seekers adventure. Visitors will learn about the importance of chocolate both as a morale  booster and a taste of home for the troops, how rationing played an important role during the  

Second World War, plus unwrap more secrets (and their very own chocolate treat as a reward for  taking part).  

IWM London | We Were There: Stories of Chocolate | Sunday 29 and Monday 30 May  IWM North | We Were There: Stories of Chocolate | Thursday 2 and Thursday 9 June  IWM Duxford | We Were There: Stories of Chocolate | Saturday 28 May and Wednesday 1 June  Free (included in price of admission to IWM Duxford)  

This half term, families can meet eyewitnesses to conflict and gain first-hand insight into the impact  of war on people’s lives through the lens of chocolate. Our special guests across IWM will share  memories of chocolate in the time of rationing, and illustrate how important such simple pleasures  can be in difficult times.  

picture of a child at the imperial war museums

HMS Belfast | We Were There | 31 May 2022  

Free (included in price of admission) 

This May half term, visitors can meet eyewitnesses to conflict and gain first-hand insight into the  impact of war on people’s lives. Our special guests across HMS Belfast will give an opportunity for all  visitors to hear their personal stories of life at sea, and what it was like to grow up during the Second  World War.  

HMS Belfast | Family Activities | Weekends until 27 May and daily 28 May – 5 June  Free (included in price of admission) 

There's lots of family fun to be had at HMS Belfast this half term. Visitors can travel back in time to  D-Day 1944 with the storytelling experience Family Mission or learn how to keep the iconic warship  in tip-top condition and take charge of HMS Belfast in our interactive family activity Sea Legs.  Activities vary, we recommend checking details at the admissions desk on arrival.    

IWM Duxford | Family Activities | Weekends until 27 May and daily 28 May – 5 June  Free (included in price of admission) 

There's plenty of fun at IWM Duxford to enjoy throughout half term. Visitors can put their paper  plane making skills to the test as they try to beat the world record with Flight Academy or travel  back in time to D-Day 1944 with the storytelling experience Family Mission. They can also head to  the American Air Museum and build their very own bespoke cockpit in Cockpit Control. Activities  vary, we recommend checking details at the Visit Planning Point upon arrival.  




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