picture of Planet Omar series of books


Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Thursday, July 14, 2022 - 20:45

Win a Zoom chat for your class with Zanib Mian, best-selling author of Planet Omar, plus lots of amazing books for yourself and your school, just by writing a book review in the summer holidays! 

Open to all UK primary school pupils the Schoolreaders Summertime Book Review competition is so easy to enter. All you need to do is submit a review of your favourite book (up to 600 words). What did you like about it, would you recommend it, who else should read it? You can download free templates to help you here

picture of Zanib Mian Zanib Mian

Zanib Mian gave up a career as a science teacher to write books and set up her own publishing company to ensure diverse characters from all minorities and backgrounds are represented in books for young children which is so cool. Meanwhile, Schoolreaders is a charity that provides volunteers to primary schools across the country because they want all children to read well by the time they leave at aged 11.  

The deadline for entries to the Schoolreaders Summertime Book Review competition is 5pm on 30 September 2022 so there’s plenty of time to devour some books and write your review! Send your entries, by email to competition@schoolreaders.org or post them to: Schoolreaders, Bedford Heights, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7PH. 

picture of Last year's winning class having a zoom with award-winning author, M.G.Leonard. Last year's winning class having a zoom with award-winning author, M.G.Leonard.

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