picture of What the Ladybird Heard tuff tray activity

What the Ladybird Heard tuff tray activity

Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Sunday, February 26, 2023 - 22:32

This tuff tray activity was lots of fun and helped get my children back into reading one of our much-loved bedtime story books.

picture of What the Ladybird Heard tuff tray activity

What you need for this tuff tray activity

  • Tuff tray
  • Farmer
  • Farm animals – horse, cow, hen, dog, cats, duck, sheep, pig and goose
  • Two bad men – lanky Len and hefty Hugh
  • Getaway car
  • Ladybird
  • Pond
  • Barn

picture of What the Ladybird Heard tuff tray activity For my activity I set it up at night for my children to come down to in the morning but, in hindsight, I think this would have been a fun tray for us to have created together.

By sitting and reading through the book you can make a list of all the characters and items you need, then your children can go off on a treasure hunt to find them. When you have everything, you can decide how to lay everything out. When it’s all set your children can play with it however they want to.

Your child may also enjoy it if you want to read the story and have your children act it out as you read.

If you do try this tuff tray out we would love to see it! Just take and picture and tag us in them on FacebookInstagram, or Tiktok.

picture of What the Ladybird Heard tuff tray activity

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