3 Tips for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur as a parent

Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the best ways to juggle parenthood with work. It means you can be your own boss, work your hours around your family, and have the work life balance that so many people crave. However, being an entrepreneur is not easy. It requires determination, self-discipline, and an incredible work ethic but it can be done and here to tell you how you can be a successful entrepreneur is Terri Brown of Terri Brown PR and a contributing writer to the number 1 best selling book From Fear To Flourish.

Mindset is everything

In order to succeed as an entrepreneur you really do need to believe that you can. You  need to trust in your own ability and value what you offer, whether that’s a product or a service, if you don’t think it is worthy then nobody else will either.  Try looking at your reasons why you want and need to be successful in your business and then create a list of all the reasons why you will succeed and why your product or service is needed. Picture yourself as the successful entrepreneur you know you can be and really harness that fire in your belly that made you start your journey in the first place.

Shout about your business

Coming from a PR background I truly understand the value of being heard. You can make the best cakes in town but if no one knows you exist no one is going to order to them and unfortunately your business will fail before it has even had time to flourish. So put yourself out there and tell everyone about what you do and who you can help. It might be scary at first but if you have managed your mindset and believe in yourself and your business you will find talking about it  is easy. Start with friends and family, approach local newspapers and ask to be a guest on relevant podcasts. Remember, happiness is contagious and if people can see and hear the excitement and passion you have for your business they will wan to learn more and share that feeling with others too, so go and shout about your business.

Remove the naysayers

If you are finding that in the comfort of your own home your mindset is great and that you can comfortably talk in private about what you do but there are certain individuals who are holding you back then you’re not alone. In my chapter in From Feat To Flourish I openly discuss how I felt I was being judged by certain friends when I left teaching and started my own business. Their funny looks and snide comments were paralysing and preventing me from taking to social media to talk about my new business, never mind trying to  take from bigger platforms. Once I realised that these individuals were not true friends and that although everyone is entitled to an opinion we don’t have to let others rule our decisions, I felt free to block, remove and ignore them. Removing the naysayers and learning to trust my gut and really believe in myself and my passion for PR allowed me to elevate my business to the next level and be true to myself. I now have the work life balance I could only dream of as a teacher.

To truly succeed you really do need to manage your mindset, shout about your business and remove the naysayers. 

If you are in the midst of starting your own business or are still playing around with the idea then I urge you to buy a copy of the number 1 bet selling book, From Fear to Flourish, you will be able to read not only my chapter all about making the move from teaching to PR but also the chapters of 18 other incredible female entrepreneurs who share their journey to success and top tips with you so that you too can become an entrepreneur.


From Fear To Flourish, the number 1 best selling book,  is available to buy on Amazon in both paperback and kindle format.  

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