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Get ready for World Book Day with 6 EASY last-minute costumes from the most popular children’s books

Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 - 12:35

With World Book Day just around the corner on Thursday 7th March, parents looking for last-minute costume ideas can breathe a sigh of relief. 

Education experts at Explore Learning have looked at Google searches and Goodreads data to pinpoint the most popular children’s stories, with the most recognisable characters.  

They’ve put together six quick and easy World Book Day costume ideas based on the most popular children’s books, that you can put together with simple DIY and items you already have at home.  

1.     Charlie Bucket, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 

You can create a quick, easy Charlie Bucket costume using any old or oversized clothing you already have at home. You’ll need an oversized shirt, a cardigan (give them mums or dads for a great oversized look!), a scarf, a beanie or flat cap, and a satchel. Make or print off a homemade Golden Ticket, and have your child carry that lucky bar of chocolate for the perfect finishing touch. 

2.     Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 

Emulating the book or 2005 film version of Veruca Salt is easy – just look for any glitzy party outfit your little one already has at home, and go over the top with sparkles and bows. Add a homemade Golden Ticket and an oversized lollypop, and you’re good to go. Veruca’s attitude is optional!  

3.     Harry or Hermione, Harry Potter  

picture of a child dressed as Harry Potter Classic Hogwarts outfits are some of the quickest and easiest to put together if you already have a school uniform to work with, and a few small tweaks ensure they’re instantly recognisable as the beloved characters from the book. Find a school uniform, white shirt or black jumper, then dig out an old stripey tie or scarf. If you have a cape or witch hat from an old Halloween costume, even better. A stick will double up as the world’s easiest homemade wand. 

For Harry, add any spare glasses you have lying around the house, or make some with cardboard. Lipliner is a perfect tool for a DIY scar to finish the look. For Hermoine, throw in some crimped or backcombed hair and a stack of books, and voila!  

4.     Max, Where The Wild Things Are  

Recreating Max’s adorable Where The Wild Things Are costume is simple. If you have a hooded, light-coloured onesie already, perfect! If not, a long-sleeved white t-shirt, white hoodie and white trousers or leggings work well. Sew pipe cleaners to the hoodie for DIY whiskers or draw on the face with an eye pencil for an even quicker option.  

You can create a DIY crown with strong gold paper or cardboard and paint, while any kind of fluffy fabric can become a quick DIY tail. If you’re feeling especially creative, sew felt claws onto gloves and/or slippers for a wild finish.  

5.     The Very Hunger Caterpillar 

If you have a green jumper, top or dress at home, you can create a super quick caterpillar costume for World Book Day – bonus points if it’s striped! You can use an old red beanie to recreate the caterpillar’s head, with a quick DIY job using felt and pipe cleaners for eyes and antennas. For an added extra touch, you and your child can have fun creating cardboard or felt props of apples, pears, plums, strawberries and oranges to symbolise all the delicious snacks the caterpillar eats. 

6.     Sam-I-Am, Green Eggs and Ham 

The iconic character in the Dr. Seuss story makes for a quick, easy and fun World Book Day Costume – you’ll just need an oversized yellow t-shirt or dress. An old or cheap option is best; you can cut along the bottom to create a jagged, zig-zag shape. Red felt or cardboard can become a quick DIY hat, and a pair of plain white leggings or tights will help finish the look. To tie the look together, make some homemade green eggs and ham from cardboard, felt or playdough and add them to a paper plate. 

To learn more about Explore Learning and how they help children achieve real progress through the joy of learning, visit https://www.explorelearning.co.uk/  

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