picture of a a woman donating clothes and toys to a charity shop

How to be Eco-Friendly when on a Budget

Terri is a mum of three, full time PR specialist and part time blogger. You can often find her writing about her quest to be a healthier parent and trying to set the best example she can for her children in a world that is ever changing. Although not living a completely eco-friendly life Terri tries to implement changes where possible and believes making small but consistent changes is the way forward and that everyone can be more eco-friendly in one way or another, even when on a budget.

If you’d like to be more eco-friendly but don’t have the financial resources to start buying organic products, switching to an electric car and replacing all your cutlery with bamboo sets then here some ways you can live a more eco-friendly life without it costing you a fortune.

Go paperless

One of the easiest ways to be eco-friendly is to reduce paper waste by going paperless and the best bit is it won’t cost you a thing. Most, if not all, banks and energy companies offer paperless payments now and it is normally really quick to set up by downloading the app and opting in. Do you really need a physical copy of every bank statement and bill? If not, go paperless and remember at any time you can print them out or ask them to send you a physical copy in the post if you do suddenly need them. Going paperless will reduce paper waste and the cutting down of trees unnecessarily. 

Donate old clothes

When you have your next big declutter stop and think about what to do with your old clothes instead of just throwing them away automatically. You could make some money by selling them on sites like market place of vinted and if they're not up to being resold, or you simply don't have the time,  but they are still wearable then you could donate them to friends, family or charity shops. This simple act will help reduce the amount of materials landing in landfill sites. The clothes in landfills can take hundreds of years to decompose and during this time they are releasing greenhouse gases that are not eco-friendly, making sure clothes are worn and recycled as much as possible can be a massive help on the environment .

Remember to unplug

Not only is leaving your unused electrical devices plugged in a fire hazard it is also bad for the planet as it is wasting electric, not to mention costing you money. So, remember to unplug all the unused electrical devices instead of leaving them plugged in, on charge or on stand by and get your kids to unplug theirs too. This tip will save your pocket as well as the planet!


These are just three very simple things everyone can do to be a little bit more eco-friendly and improve their own journey to being a healthy parent but by being mindful in your daily choices you will find numerous small changes you can make that will eventually help to have a big, beneficial, impact on the world around you for future generations. 

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