picture of Learning how to spell with your car loving child

Learning to spell with your car loving child

Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Sunday, March 5, 2023 - 13:28

Trying to get my son away from his cars to sit firm and learn about cars was always really tricky, so I decided to bring the learning to his car play mat! My son really loved this activity and didn’t even realise that he was learning at the same time, which is always a bonus!

What you will need for this activity

🚘 a car playmat. If you don’t have one you can always try making one with tape

🚘 toy cars with letters in. This was the thing that took the longest amount of time as I individually taped letters onto the top of his toy cars. This was worth it though as we could use it for more activities

🚘 paper with words written on. We started out with three letter words as this was the level my son was at at the time.

picture of Learning how to spell with your car loving child

What to do for this activity

I put the cars with letters on all around the car mat, then in the parking spaces on the play mat I put the pieces of paper with my three letter words on. I then asked my son if he could drive the cars with the right letter onto the word to spell out the word.

My son really enjoyed this activity and has asked to do it again since. If you try this activity please do tag us in your photos as we would love to see how you’ve done it. You can find us here Just take and picture and tag us in them on FacebookInstagram, or Tiktok.

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