How young is too young to start learning the piano

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Monday, March 3, 2025 - 23:00

We all want to give our kids the best start in life. Taking part in a host of clubs, hobbies and sport helps youngsters to develop essential skills and grow into healthy, well-rounded individuals. But there simply isn’t the time or money for them to do everything. So, what should you prioritise?

We all want to give our kids the best start in life.

Taking part in a host of clubs, hobbies and sport helps youngsters to develop essential skills and grow into healthy, well-rounded individuals.

But there simply isn’t the time or money for them to do everything. So, what should you prioritise?

One activity definitely worth a top spot is learning to play an instrument.

Musical activity is proven to help expand the mind, encourage growth and development, advance motor skills and even boost mood and confidence levels.

And one of the most popular instruments for beginners? The piano.

Offering a great starting point for little learners, the piano is an ideal instrument to kickstart their musical journey. But the real question here is: when’s the right age to begin?

What’s the best age to start?

In truth, there is no ‘wrong’ age and if your child is showing interest then it’s important to harness that enthusiasm. Let’s not forget, the musical maestro himself, Sir Elton John, began learning at just four years old!

If you’re looking for the ‘ideal’ though, it’s largely recommended to start lessons between the ages of six and nine, but this guide is based on growth and personal development – so every child will be different.

Before getting started it’s worth considering the following:

·        Interest

Few children are fans of sitting still and the younger they are, the harder it can be to captivate their attention for any length of time.

With the average piano lesson lasting around 30 minutes, if you’re going to get value for money, it’s worth waiting until you feel they’ll be able to sit and engage for a full lesson.

·        Hand size and dexterity

To play properly, children need to be able to reach 5 adjacent keys with the fingers of one hand. Control of these fingers is also important, so your budding pianist will need to have developed a good degree of dexterity.

·        Reading level

Don’t panic, we’re not talking yet more Biff and Chip here. Being a fluent reader is not a prerequisite for playing the piano but to support their learning and prevent frustrations, being able to recognise and understand basic symbols will help them to develop the skill of both playing and reading music. 

Getting started

Whilst all of these factors can help to inform your decisions on when to introduce formal lessons, there’s no denying the benefits of spending time with a piano from an early age. Not only can this bring endless entertainment and joy (although admittedly, perhaps not for your ears) it can also help to boost confidence and familiarity with the sound and feel of the keys.

So, whether you’ve decided now’s the right time for lessons, or you just want to initiate an interest in piano playing and grow their awareness, the first thing you’ll need is the piano itself!

Picking the right instrument can feel like yet another big decision, but it doesn’t need to be a difficult choice. There are tons of options out there, including great digital models that come with the option of headphones (phew!).

And if you’re concerned about investing in a piano or worried this might turn out to be an expensive interest that doesn’t last, then it’s a good idea to consider buying a used model.

second-hand piano can save you up to 60% compared to the cost of buying new. It also takes away the worry about that first little scratch or scuff.

Look for a reputable piano dealer such as Richard Lawson Pianos, and a pre-loved piano will arrive as good as new – fully tuned and serviced by their in-house experts. Not just this though, every used piano they supply still comes with a 30-day trial period and an impressive guarantee. There’s even the option to rent, if you’re still not sure.

Why not get in touch with their friendly team today by calling 01923 720 974 to chat through the different options that might work for you and your family? And who knows, your mini musician could be the future star of a John Lewis Christmas ad!

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