activities for baby

picture of a mum with newborn baby wrapped in a star blanket

How to Engage Your Baby in Sensory Stimulation

Babies are born with an incredible capacity to learn and explore the world around them. As a parent, you can enhance that process through sensory stimulation while aiding your baby's healthy development.

Kelly Nairne, Marketing Director at Bugaboo, a UK-based brand providing pushchair s, said: “Sensory stimulation is a vital element in a child’s early years, as it plays a crucial...

picture of newborn baby and family outside on a picnic blanket

Newborn Adventures: 5 Outdoor Activities For New Parents

Newborn babies are precious, their skin is delicate, and their hair is soft. Despite this, new parents can continue to live their lives. You might not want to jump back into your social calendar, but you can still take your child outside.

Going outside doesn’t have to be a military mission. Once you’ve prepared your newborn essentials, such as a changing bag and baby carrier , you...

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