
picture of an arguing couple


Households go potty over empty toilet roll tubes, new research reveals

- Loo roll innovation unlocks secret to creating happier households across the UK

- Brits’ top 10 arguments revealed

Households are going potty over empty toilet roll tubes, dirty washing on the floor and finding dirty plates next to the dishwasher, as Brits’ biggest household bugbears are...

picture of a woman screaming as her partner snores in bed

40% Of Couples Say Snoring Is The Cause Of Arguments

Arguing is a natural part of any relationship. A staggering 22% of people in the UK admit that they have some form of conflict with their partner each month . And these disputes – however significant – can greatly affect your sleep.

Dormeo (mattress and sleep experts), conducted a study to find the T op 5 M ost C ommon A rgument S tarters B efore B ed , with Snoring being the most...

picture of happy couple working out finances

All you need is…Marriage Allowance

HMRC is reminding married couples and those in civil partnerships to sign up for Marriage Allowance this Valentine's Day and share their personal tax allowances.

From: HM Revenue & Customs

Published 11 February 2022

Married couples and people in civil partnerships could receive extra cash this Valentine’s Day as HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) encourages those eligible to...

picture of a happy retired couple looking at a laptop

The secret to a happy retirement? £26,000 per year, Which? research reveals

Two-person households need an average annual income of £26,000 for a comfortable retirement, Which?’s latest research has found.

With the past year altering many people’s spending habits or potentially accelerating their plans for retirement, finding out how much money is needed to finance a reasonable standard of living in later life has taken on an increased importance.


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