picture of a woman screaming as her partner snores in bed

40% Of Couples Say Snoring Is The Cause Of Arguments

Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Sunday, May 29, 2022 - 19:22

Arguing is a natural part of any relationship. A staggering 22% of people in the UK admit that they have some form of conflict with their partner each month. And these disputes – however significant – can greatly affect your sleep.

Dormeo (mattress and sleep experts), conducted a study to find the Top 5 Most Common Argument Starters Before Bed, with Snoring being the most common argument starter, and nearly 40% of people admitting it’s their biggest trigger for arguments in the bedroom. This number increases in older age groups.

Top 5 Argument Starters Before Bed:

  1. Snoring - 38.28% of people citing it as the most common argument they have in the bedroom.
  2. What Time to Go to Sleep - 25% of people in the category noting bedtime as an argument starter. 45-54 (24%) 55+ (17.5%)
  3. TV, Tablets & phones - 22.12 % stating electronic devices cause arguments.
  4. Share of the duvet - 21.18% of people identified share of the duvet (or lack thereof) as a common argument trigger.
  5. Sex - 11.25% of couples regularly argue about sex. 

Dormeo’s Sleep Expert Phil Lawlor Solutions

  1. Snoring - earplugs, white noise machines, and even sleeping in separate beds. It is worth consulting a doctor or sleep therapist for a more permanent solution.
  2. What Time to Go to Sleep -. an open-minded conversation will find a sleeping schedule that suits you both.
  3. TV, Tablets & phones – no devices after lights out policy, or request that your partner wears headphones whilst watching something on TV.
  4. Share of the duvet - 'Scandinavian Method’: having two duvets! - you and your partner can select a duvet that suits your temperature needs
  5. Sex - open communication about sex makes a relationship stronger- be clear, concise, and positive. Not critical

Dating Experts Top Tips To Avoid Arguments

  • Communication is key
  • Sleeping separately is a last resort
  • Disagreements are healthy, arguments less so
  • Discuss issues calmly and rationally
  • Be prepared to compromise


Chris Pleines, dating expert from Dating Scout - “It’s how you deal with [arguments] that matters. The best thing to do is respect each other’s opinion. This doesn’t mean you have to change your opinion. You’re still two individuals. Discuss it calmly and intelligently. If it can’t be settled at that moment, go to bed, and discuss in the morning.


For more information, stats and expert advice about the most common argument starters check out Dormeo’s article here: https://www.dormeo.co.uk/blog/sleep-inspiration/common-arguments-at-bedtime


Cover photo By Gpoint Studio on Canva

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