mens mental health

picture of a dad with new baby

Becoming a dad: symptoms and seeking help with paternal postpartum depression

Parenting is one of life's greatest joys, but can take its toll on your physical and mental wellbeing. Studies show that one in ten new fathers will experience symptoms of paternal postpartum depression (PPD) – with symptoms showing typically between three and six months after birth.

With International Men’s Day on November 19th, there needs to be more focus on the men’s mental and...

picture of a Alrightmate Roots L Burgon

New Campaign Launches for Fathers' Mental Health

Alright Mate? CIC, has launched a campaign to shed light on the mental health challenges faced by new fathers. The project seeks to highlight the often undiagnosed issue of postnatal depression in men. Astonishingly, one in every ten fathers experiences mental health challenges in the postnatal period, or becomes increasingly susceptible to the recurrence of a past mental health condition....

picture of a dad with a baby and a iCandy pushchair

New Campaign that Keeps an i On Dads

iCandy Team up with Celebrity Personal Trainer in Exciting Initiative to Support Dads

Over the last few weeks iconic pushchair brand, iCandy, has been running a truly thoughtful initiative to support dads. Dads Club, is an inspired social concept to support new dads, work on their fitness, improve their mental health and encourage them to schedule in a little ‘me time’.

With a new...

Picture of a man sat outside in the sunshine with his head in his hands

14% of the UK’s men would not talk to anyone about their mental health

Millions of British men would avoid discussing their mental health at all

Over half of the UK’s population do not think that men’s mental health is taken seriously

Only one in three men say they would speak to a GP about their mental health, and just 7% say that they would speak with an anonymous helpline

Millions of British men would not talk to anyone at all if...

Photo of a man sat on a sofa with his head in his hands

An Alarming 65% of Dads Admit That Having Children Negatively Impacted Their Mental Health

Snüz and Dadsnet To Initiate Important Conversations Ahead of Father’s Day Trusted Family Brand and Leading Platform for Dads Commit to Raising Awareness Around Men’s Mental Health and Parenting According to a recent survey, an alarming 65% of dads admit that having children negatively impacted their mental health, citing the top 5 contributing factors as lack of time,...

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