If you're the default parent, chances are you're the one keeping everything ticking over—main carer for the children, managing the life admin, sorting the household jobs, and remembering all the little (and big!) details. You’ve got a running mental checklist of what needs doing and when. You probably wish you just had a pause button to get on top of everything.
Whether you’re working from an office or at home during the school holidays if you aren’t with your kids 24/7 then chances are those feelings of mum guilt are going to start creeping in. We all know we shouldn’t feel guilty, if we have to work we have to work, but that doesn’t make it any easier does it?
However, as working mum of three who runs her own PR Company I have found that...
Yesterday I posted a reel on my Instagram account showing me doing a food sorting activity with my daughter ( you can see the activity here ). I’ve been posting activity ideas on my Instagram account for a little while now and I have had a few people starting to comment on them, but the responses on this particular reel really took me by surprise!
Well everyone, today I got the award for being the World’s worst mum!
My youngest had her school trip today, off to the woods. I read the letter from school about it last week, so sent her off today with her welly boots, waterproof coat and a packed lunch box. We got to school in plenty of time (well, I mean we weren’t racing through the school gates with minutes to spare before registration...
New research from intimate wellbeing brand INTIMINA reveals the biggest physical and emotional challenges associated with pregnancy -
7 in 10 mothers say recovering from having a child is one of the most difficult emotional challenges they’ve faced, according to new research from INTIMINA.
One in three women were diagnosed with postpartum depression.