scavenger hunt

picture of an easter egg hunt sign and easter egg

6 easy ways to level up your Easter Egg hunt

With Easter just around the corner many parents are starting to plan fun filled Easter Egg hunts for their children. Now, I have been doing Easter Egg hunts in my house for 7 years now, and I must admit I am really running out of new places to hide the eggs and ways to make it more fun! So, I have been doing a bit of research into some ways I can spice things up a bit.

Include your...
picture of children celebrating Halloween

7 Ways to have fun at Halloween without Trick or Treating

Halloween is fast approaching and lots of my friends and family are getting excited about decorating their houses and taking their kids out trick or treating.

I however am a bit of a Halloween Scrooge 🤣 I have nothing against people who do celebrate it, I just never celebrated it growing up and have always found the concept of knocking on people's doors and asking for sweets a bit odd....

picture of Disney Encanto themed activity for kids

Encanto themed treasure hunt

My children loved the Disney film Encanto, so I decided to make an activity using the characters today.

We have an Encanto busy book, which has all the main characters, which were the perfect size for me to use.

I followed the storyline from the film, where Mirabel was looking for her long-lost uncle, Bruno. I used our doll's house as the family home in the film and this is where the...

picture of children painting outside

The Great Outdoors: 6 Fun Outdoor Activities For Kids

Spring has truly sprung and to make sure your family has months filled with laughter and excitement, you can easily plan adventures outdoors. This can be something as simple as a walk through your local park.

Here are some of the best ways to keep your little ones entertained in the great outdoors during the warmer months.

1. Craft and complete a nature spotting sheet...

picture of Nature & Wildlife Pond Adventure Tablecloth - colour in and learn

We’ve got a Spring in our step just in time for Easter!

Blossom, the smell of freshly cut grass, butterflies emerging and sunnier skies are just a few of our favourite things about Spring!

Time for wildlife to reappear and bustle, flutter and scurry around in the warmer air. From rabbits to woodpeckers, hedgehogs to butterflies there are all sorts of animals to be discovered. A fun way we’ve found to keep track of the wildlife you see is with our...

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