educational activities

picture of a dad walking his daughter to school

How to help kids adapt to back to school life

“I’m an education expert: Here’s how to turn the summer ‘slump’ into school success!”

· Survey reveals 3 in 4 parents worry about academic slips during holidays

· Leading tutoring provider shares easy tips to help children get back on track

As millions of children across the UK head back to classrooms, 75% of parents worry their children have slipped academically during the...

picture of a family cooking together

Educational weekend activity ideas for families

As any parent would attest, keeping the kids entertained on the weekends is no mean feat – and it becomes harder still when you attempt to incorporate some educational components into your itinerary. However, with a little imagination and a (perhaps larger) dose of patience, it is possible to combine the two. Best of all, when the kids are having fun doing an activity, they won’t even realise...

picture of Learning how to spell with your car loving child

Learning to spell with your car loving child

Trying to get my son away from his cars to sit firm and learn about cars was always really tricky, so I decided to bring the learning to his car play mat! My son really loved this activity and didn’t even realise that he was learning at the same time, which is always a bonus!

What you will need for this activity

🚘 a car playmat. If you don’t have one you can always try making one...

Picture of happy children running outside in the sun

Six sustainable activities for kids this summer

Taking care of our world is a big issue – one that involves young and old alike. Introducing children to fun, sustainable activities can help them understand how to care for the planet – without them even realising that they’re learning!

From an early age, kids are taught about sustainability issues like plastic waste, pollution, animal conservation and recycling at school and in the...

picture of a healthy food sorting activity for kids

Healthy Food Sorting Activity

Teaching children about healthy eating from a young age is so important! I have tried talking to my children about what foods are healthy and which are not so healthy, but generally you can see their eyes glazing over at the word ‘vegetable’.

We always try to make learning a bit more fun in our house, so we got out the play food and made the latest tea party set up a bit more...

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