A working mum's guide to buying the perfect electric car
With a surge in interest in electric vehicles, the internet is flooded with reviews on performance, speed and charging capabilities. But what about the practical side of things? We spoke to Jordan Brompton, a hardworking Mum, successful businesswoman, founder of myenergi and owner of a Tesla Model X. To get her views on the practicality of owning an electric car with a toddler and dog in tow.
This is the real, nitty-gritty car review you have been waiting for and with Mother’s Day right around the corner, the perfect opportunity to put the spotlight on a female car fanatic who is purely interested in the practicality of owning an EV.
So Jordan, did your background working in renewable energy prompt your decision to buy an EV?
“Firstly, I never entered this industry as an expert on cars and though I've learnt a lot along the way, I'm still far from an expert. What I do know, is how fossil fuel vehicles have contributed heavily to poor air quality in our towns and cities, damage to the environment, soil and water quality and have contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer!
When I entered the industry, I wanted to make a difference, I wanted to be a successful woman, mum and do something positive to help the planet and people around me. I'm passionate about renewables and have always been excited by futuristic technology. So I set out to turn those passions into something successful! The first step was to surround myself with people who had the same big visions be it inventors, designers, activists you name it, and with a lot of hard work, grit and determination, came myenergi!
It wasn’t working in the industry itself that prompted my decision to buy an electric car. It was a factor however of doing the right thing for the environment and when I take into account the mileage I do for work along with the safety and practicality of my EV it just seemed like the perfect decision”.
Why did you choose a Tesla as your chosen EV?
“They are cool as (bleep) and Elon is the don! On a serious note, I wanted something spacious, safe, fast and better for the environment. Also, Tesla's are packed full of awesome tech features that I am naturally attracted to, which most other cars just don't have! I mean it has a built-in games console! Which for me and my family is an amazing feature for long journeys”.
What are your favourite features and how do they help with everyday parenting?
“It is a sizeable vehicle and feels like a Range Rover! It's strange, it doesn't look anywhere near as big as a Range Rover but actually feels bigger once you are inside.
The added bonus of a Tesla not having an engine is the extra boot space at the front, or as Tesla call it 'the frunk', as well as the back! I often throw my handbag and shopping bags in the front and then the pushchair and baby stuff in the back. Which is amazing, as any parent will know the struggle of trying to fit a weekly shop, toddler, and pushchair into a car. The great thing is it doesn’t feel big to drive. In comparison to large SUV’s which for many are difficult to park and negotiate in small car parks, you just don’t have those issues. So as a parent, I have all of the extra practical space for my little girl, yet I don’t struggle with the impractical side of it having to be a large car.
The 17-inch cinematic display has had plenty of use too! The fact I can switch Hey Duggee or Peppa Pig on to keep my daughter happy and distracted, particularly on longer journeys is a godsend! In fact, Peppa Pig and her favourite Duggee, I owe you big style! They deserve to be knighted, Dame Peppa & Sir Duggee!
Though, screens in cars are nothing new; it does come with extra features such as Camp Mode & Dog Mode that gives this car the edge. The fact I can safely leave the dog in the car, knowing the Tesla is monitoring, looking after temperature and breathing air whilst I run into the shop to grab a few items is a great help. Don’t worry, I am not a neglectful dog-mum, the Tesla is designed for dog’s to be safely left in them for short periods, even on hot days!
There is so much room in the back too, so it’s super easy for negotiating car seats. As a mum, I feel we look for 3 things when choosing a car; space, comfort and anything that’s going to help keep the kids distracted. EV’s (generally) can help with the space factor - due to no engine. Comfort and added tech just make my Tesla the ultimate practical car for a family”.
Which other EV's have you driven and how do they compare to the Tesla Model X?
“I've been lucky enough to drive a range of different EV's in my field of work, but the EV's I've owned for a significant period of time prior to owning the Model X, are the Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model S. I would highly recommend both of these as well. Though it is important we differentiate 'Tesla’ and ‘EV's on the whole, because Tesla's in comparison, are very expensive! There are so many great models, shapes and styles of EV available now with budget, mid and high-end options. Many of them offering the practicality side of extra space and comfort, so for any family looking to upgrade, I would highly recommend an EV”!
How would you say an EV compares to a car with an engine?
“An EV is basically the same! If you went and purchased a Mini electric and compared to a Mini petrol, the only real difference is that it has no engine. EV drivers are practically driving a laptop on wheels. The reason people tend to talk a lot about the Tesla is because it is loaded with cool stuff which differentiates itself from all other EV's”.
Don't you get range anxiety?... Especially with a child in the car? What if you run out of charge?
When you purchased a petrol car, did you ask yourself "what if i run out of petrol?" With that in mind, how many times have you ever run out of petrol?
So what makes you think you'll run out of charge? It's exactly the same principle. If you are low on fuel on a long journey you simply pull into the nearest petrol station and refill. Equally, if you are low on charge on a long journey, you simply pull into the nearest charge station or find the nearest public charging point and recharge. Who actually plans their journey around a petrol station, you fill up and drive!
The great thing about owning an EV is that I can fully charge the vehicle at home every night, using my zappi home charger, whilst I’m asleep. It's very rare that I actually need to use public stations at all. I don't make an awful lot of long journeys anyway, especially with my daughter in tow. On the occasions I do travel a long distance, mainly for work purposes, the Tesla gets 300+ miles anyway, so I’d easily get to Manchester and back from Binbrook, Lincolnshire.
On the rare occasion that we did make a very long journey across the country, it's actually quite pleasurable to stop and have a coffee for half an hour or so whilst vehicle charges, In the same way, it's nice to stop at a service station and grab something to eat! There really isn't a great deal of difference and if anything, owning an EV is far more practical!