5 Ways to Manage your Wellbeing as a Busy Parent
Seasoned parent, youth counsellor, and Founder of WellBelink, Joanna Buckland, is often asked for parenting advice and her response is always the same: It's not about being perfect; it’s about doing your best with what you have at the time and taking care of yourself along the way.
Most of parenting is trial and error to find out what works for your unique family situation, and if you get through it with your wellbeing in check, you’re doing OK!
Joanna knows just how difficult it can be to balance parenting with personal wellbeing and the guilt that often comes with trying to be all things to all people and below she shares her 5 top tips for supporting wellbeing for parents on the go:
Embrace the Mess
Parenting is often portrayed with unrealistic images of perfect homes. Every family has clutter or the stress of keeping everything spotless. Embrace the mess. There’s plenty of time for a tidy home, but the years with our children pass quickly. The mess is a sign of life, growth, and learning. Letting go of the need for perfection in our homes can free us to enjoy our children more and stress less about the superficial aspects of daily life.
Grow a Support Network
Whether you have a supportive partner, family nearby, or you’re on your own, remember that we’re not meant to raise children in isolation. If you have people around who can help with childcare duties, take advantage of it. If you don’t have a support system nearby, connect with parenting groups, local organisations, or online forums. The parental journey is long, and building a network of people to call on can make all the difference.
Take Moments for Ourselves
Prioritising self-care amidst the countless demands isn’t always realistic, but self-care doesn’t need to be big. It can be as simple as taking a few minutes to enjoy a quiet cup of tea, singing along to a song, or doing some breathing exercises when you have 5 minutes to yourself. These small moments can recharge you and help you navigate the challenges of life as a parent.
Nurture Our Passions
Being a parent may feel like your sole purpose, or it can mean temporarily setting aside parts of your identity. However, nurturing your passions doesn't have to stop. Even small steps can keep your interests alive. If you're an artist, keep doodling. If you love to travel, research future adventures. If you have career ambitions, take a short course. While parenting is a significant part of who you are, maintaining your interests can help sustain a sense of greater purpose, which you can nurture along the way.
Switch the inner critic
If you find life as a parent tough, you’re not alone. The masses who aren’t on social media showing images of reality—struggling to get the kids' shoes on, with toast hanging out of their mouths and toothpaste down their tops—may not be represented, but we’re all here. Instead of berating yourself, remind yourselves that this IS normal. Recognising and accepting this can significantly improve your wellbeing.
If you would like more support for yourself or your child then you can find Joanna at WellBelink.