picture of a breastfeeding mum being supported by her partner

Feeding your baby can be hard

This week is National Breastfeeding Week, and this year the government's UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is focussing on the part everyone has to play in helping parents to breastfeed.

Partners, families and friends and even the general public are vital in providing support to those who are breastfeeding, especially if things get difficult. 

Remember, it can take a while to feel confident about breastfeeding, but you're not alone. There's lots of support available in Devon, including peer support groups; health visiting teams; infant feeding clinics; feeding helplines and Latch and Attach appointments.

Every breastfeeding journey is unique, but remember you are not alone. Try to stay connected if you feel you need extra support.

For more information, please visit the Health for Under 5s website.

Article credit - Devon Country Council

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