picture of child asleep in bed


Lizz Banks
Authored by Lizz Banks
Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2022 - 19:12

Summer is a wonderful season, with longer days offering up more time as a family to create fun and sun-soaked memories. However, when the evening falls and bedtime comes around it can be difficult to get the kids down.

With the sun still shining and heatwaves making it too hot to tuck little one’s in, summertime can be difficult for many kids as they struggle to get settled for a good night’s sleep.

If you’re struggling to get the little ones off to the land of nod this summer and are looking for a few helpful tips to make bedtime a breeze, Rhiannon Haggar, Senior Content and Community Coordinator at Happy Linen Company has shared her expert tips for making sure the kids get their ZZZ’s and ensure they have enough energy to enjoy a summer of adventures.

Stick to a Schedule

Summer is a joyous time of year, particularly for kids. With plenty of plans to look forward to, their regular sleeping pattern can become fragmented, meaning it can become challenging trying to stick to your usual sleep schedule routine. So, it’s important to find the ideal balance between sleep and taking the opportunity to enjoy the longer summer evenings as a family too.

To avoid summer sleep deprivation, ensure your little ones have a specific bedtime. This could be by altering their school sleep schedule to something more summer friendly, allowing them to wake up later and go to sleep later. With a later bedtime, not only does this ensure the sky is a little darker to limit restlessness, it also allows them to stay up later to enjoy their holidays.

Create a Sleep Haven

Even though the sun makes for an ideal night light, it can equally make for an uncomfortable night’s sleep – especially when the weather gets warmer. A fantastic way to turn their room into a slumber sanctuary is by opting for more lightweight, breathable bedding.

At Happy Linen Company kids can choose their own ideal dreamscape – from jungle adventures to explorations through space, all while being able to sleep peacefully throughout the summer with their lightweight quilted throw. Perfect for kids who enjoy snuggling, even in the summer. So, swap out their winter warmer duvet for a lower tog, a set of cotton sheets, even a lightweight throw, as less is best when it comes to beating the heat!

Also, keep their rooms cool with blinds designed to keep their room at a temperature they are comfortable to sleep in. At Happy Linen Company our curtains are fully lined to keep rooms cool, meaning they can dream peacefully. To avoid the early sunrises, blackout blinds are a brilliant way to ensure their room is dark.  Which allows them to sleep without any interruptions – from the sun or other distractions.

Wind it Down

When the weather gets lighter it can be tricky to separate night from day. A wonderful way to get the kids excited for their summer slumber is by creating a relaxing build-up to their bedtime routine – preferably an hour before turning in for the night. This allows them to form a nightly routine which will not only help them prepare for when school starts again, but will also help them to unwind after a jam-packed day!

These nightly goals could include cool baths which help to reduce their temperature before bed and avoiding pyjama-drama by opting for lightweight alternatives that will limit any night sweats. Topping the evening off by transporting them to a land of make believe with their favourite book is also an excellent way to help them wind down for the night!

Giving them set tasks before bed allows the kids to get settled for the night and creates a positive sleep environment, meaning they’ll be less likely to stay up and watch the latest cartoons, preferring to be in the land of nod.

So, next time you feel it's you against the sun, just remember that making bedtime fun and creating set routines will make them feel more comfortable throughout the brighter months.


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