5 Ways To Boost Your Mood This Christmas

Cat Googe
Authored by Cat Googe
Posted: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - 15:27

5 Ways To Boost Your Mood This Christmas

Do you ever find yourself feeling like happiness is something ‘nice to have’…a bit of a luxury even??? Are you guilty of putting off doing something that makes you feel happy until you’ve done X, Y and Z and then time runs away and that little slice of bliss you were looking forward to just doesn’t happen?

Cat Googe, a passionate Laughter Yogi often referred to as The Joy Queen, specialises in helping her clients identify energy drains and learn simple yet powerful practices to support their emotional wellbeing even when a lot of life is going on. 

In the current lives we lead it is so easy to be caught up in busy-ness, particularly at Christmas time when the to-do list feels never ending and the juggle feels very real. You can find you’re focusing so much on everyone else’s happiness that yours gets sidelined. As a result, factoring yourself in adds to the ‘too muchness’ you’ve got going on so trying to do something enjoyable for yourself can end up feeling stressful.

What’s important to remember is you’re not alone; many people find this a struggle over the festive period. The good news is there are some quick and impactful ways to help shift this feeling. Cat shares her top tips below that will help you boost your mood this Christmas so you can create your own oasis of calm amidst the chaos. 

Get Some Tunes On And Move Your Body

Dancing is so often something that’s saved for weddings and special occasions but it needn’t be so; it's a brilliant tool to bring into your day to shift your energy fast. By moving your body to music you get to release any pent up frustration and tension you’re holding on to, leaving your body feeling lighter and freer. And as there is often a connection with the music you love, a memory or a significant moment in your life, dancing to your favourite tune helps you feel more like yourself again.

Spend Time In Nature

Mother Nature is one of life’s natural healers so heading out for a walk and having a change of scenery is such a great way of letting go of the multitudinous tasks you’re facing and get fully present in the here and now. Noticing the colours and textures on the trees or hearing the crunch of the pebbles on the beach allows you to be guided and led by your senses. An invigorating walk is a sure fire way to help you feel more energised and happier. 

Give Yourself A Hug Or Better Still A Laughter Hug

So often a huge source of overwhelm and stress is fuelled by a feeling of disconnection. Spending a few minutes just giving yourself a gentle squeeze is a beautiful way to show yourself a bit of love when you need it. To take this up a level, why not add some laughter yoga in and try a laughter hug by hugging yourself whilst deep belly laughing. When you laugh for extended periods of time you lower your stress hormone cortisol and release endorphins leaving you feeling calmer and more grounded. And if you want to help boost everyone’s mood you can share a laughter hug with your loved ones so you can all feel more connected. 

Find Something To Be Grateful For Every Day

There is a direct link between gratitude and joy so if you really want to welcome in the Christmas joy this year just spending a few minutes every day thinking about what you feel grateful for is a simple but effective way to do this. A daily gratitude practice is such a brilliant way to boost your emotional wellbeing and to bring you into the present moment giving you an opportunity to let go of all the things you think you have to do and focus on what’s important. 

Take Some Deep Belly Breaths 

Breathing is something we take for granted and often do without a thought. Taking a few minutes to focus on your breath helps regulate your emotions and brings you into present moment awareness. Often when you give yourself space to breathe heightened emotions ease and you feel more balanced and able to face what’s next. Try finding somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes and breathe in for 4 then out for 4; placing your hand on your heart is a beautiful way to build a deeper connection through this practice.

So there you have it, 5 impactful ways to help boost your mood this Christmas so you can enjoy the festive break whilst feeling calm, collected and JOY-FULL. If you’d love more support with this you can find Cat at catgooge.com.

Laughter Meditation at Happy Place July 2024

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